Lots of people face heart issues in their old age. This is done because of unhealthy lifestyles, and bad eating habits. Diseases like heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases cause death…
Author: We Healtys
Food and Drug Administration advisor recommends RSV vaccine for adults 60 and over
Due to bad health habits and busy life people stop taking care of their health and get stuck into various health issues. Various reports unveil that they are getting more affected by…
Do Collagen supplements work? Experts weigh in on popular cream for anti-aging?
Collagen is one of the widely used substances for producing beauty products and health supplements. It has amazing features which affiliate the body with helping the body to look fit and younger….
FDA Approves Nasal Spray For Migraines that May Relieve Symptoms within 30 minutes
We all face Migraines at least once in our life due to hectic lifestyles, busy schedules, bad eating habits, or because of any other reasons. Some people face migraine occasionally but many…
13 Foods That can Lower your Blood Pressure
Diet is one of the major factors which decides your health level. People who follow a good diet plan live longer and healthier lives. People who have high blood pressure issues, diabetes,…
COVID-19 test Requirements lifted for travelers from China to the US
Recently, a piece of controversial news regarding the medical sector brings up where it is seen that there was a requirement that travel to the United States from China presents a negative…
14 Migraine Triggers You Should Know About
People think that migraine is a very common and easy-to-handle medical condition. Well, it is not a complete truth because the causes and reasons for migraine are common but the future effects…
Should you inquire about ChatGPT for medical advice? We asked an expert and ChatGPT
The world introduced the most intelligent artificial intelligence software that can do anything. You can ask for a recipe, a command to write a letter or assignment for your school homework, and…
Got Flu? What To do
Flu is one of the most irritating medical conditions which makes you super lazy and ill. People who are facing the flu provide 0 productivity to their work and feel very disturbed….
What vitamins come from the Sun? Here’s what it does and how else your body benefits from sunlight.
We all know that sun exposure is very beneficial for health. Sun exposure leads to the quantity of Vitamin D in the human body. Vitamin D is one of the most important…