If someone says that you can die just because of stress which you’re taking in your mind. Or says that your depression wrecks your body then very few people believe that this can happen.
But, let us tell you that it is possible. Yes, your high level of stress and high level of depression will be the reason for your death. Lots of repaired medical institutes confirm this and also recorded deaths every year in America due to high stress and depression.
We all know that stress is one of the most dangerous medical conditions that ruin your mental health and makes you feel low productivity and lazy.
But, there are different stages of stress and depression, and one of the stages will become the cause of your death.
Medical research which concluded recently proved that poor mental and emotional health puts Americans at much greater risk of heart disease. This also leads to the cause of death for men and women both.
People who face heart-related medical conditions are also suggested to prevent heart disease. Managing our emotional and mental health is very important to maintain good heart health.
Emotional and mental health is very important to maintain cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
To overcome heart issues and high cholesterol levels it one maintains a proper following. Doing exercise daily is also one of the most important factors to overcome from heart disease and other than these managing stress and depression is also an important factor of risk reduction efforts.
How do serotonin and dopamine levels affect your heart’s health?
When a person is in depression then the body wreaks havoc on the natural chemical balances. In this condition, the levels of Serotonin and dopamine which are also recognized by the name “Happy Hormone” becomes lower.
This proves that the availability of serotonin and examine levels play a vital role to manage major lifestyle influences.
Doctors and medical professionals found that when a person is in a condition where serotonin levels are low then the individual experiences emotional duress. The human body produces more inflammatory compounds such as interleukin-1.
Serotonin helps to regulate heart rate and rhythm, blood clotting, and other critical heart functions.
The American Heart Association, which is one of the most recognized medical research institutions in America conducted a study and found that the impact of depression on heart health is very severe.
If a person facing a heart problem also is in depression then it may cause developing atrial fibrillation.
The studies have been done more than 22 times and doctors tested more than 500,000 subjects to conclude that people with depression were at increased risk of heart disease.
Not only this, but chronic stress also increases the risk of illness. The availability of stress in our bodies causes our blood pressure and adrenaline levels to rise. In this situation, the blood and oxygen flow in the human body decreases and may cause heart failure.
If you’re in this situation then blood pressure reduction can help and also reduce your stress level. Various studies also prove that physical and mental relaxation for 5 to 10 minutes a few times a day is very beneficial for reducing stress.
But, if you’re in a situation of heart disease then taking the stress will take your life. Even a single stressful event can increase the effects of heart disease.
One study found that the rate of heart attack in New Orleans tripled in years. The world is facing heart health issues and stress and depression trigger them and cause serious health issues or even death.
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